Fairs 05 May 2022

Supima: Traceble and Natural

Supima cotton stands out for its superior quality and sustainability through traceable practices. This special type of cotton, supported by traceability and environmentally friendly practices at every stage of the production process, reveals the potential to create comfortable and versatile fabrics.

Supima: Traceble and Natural

With its long fibers, Supima cotton enhances fabric durability, extending its lifespan. This fabric, notable for both fabric quality and a production approach focused on the environment and society, serves as inspiration for a more conscious consumption in the fashion industry.

Supima cotton, especially favored in high-quality clothing and home textile products, is used across a wide range, from t-shirts to trousers, and from innerwear to sportswear, thanks to its soft texture and durability.

Fabrics produced with Supima cotton, combined with a commitment to sustainable and traceable production practices, not only offer customers an eco-friendly option but also make it easier for them to trace the origin of the product. This way, consumers can be assured that the products are produced with natural ingredients and environmentally conscious approaches.

At Işıl Textile, with the fabrics we produce using Supima cotton, we provide high-quality products while contributing to eco-friendly and traceable production processes. If you are looking for quality and environmentally friendly products, you can choose our fabrics made with Supima cotton.

Article Number: 992721

Fairs 05 May 2022