Fairs 08 Şub 2024

Premiere Vision’24 Paris

Işıl Textile at Paris Premiere Vision 2024!

This year, we, Işıl Textile, also took our place at the Premiere Vision event held in Paris. At this gathering of industry leaders, we showcased six of our fabrics carefully selected by the Premiere Vision team in the Premiere Vision trend area.

Premiere Vision’24 Paris

During the event, attended by a total of 92 different companies visiting our booth, our existing and potential customers selected a total of 1,837 swatches. We take pride in our collection, which stands out with its distinguished designs and quality, placing us among the brands that influence industry trends.

As Işıl Textile, we are determined to pioneer innovations in the industry and showcase our quality on every platform. The Premiere Vision fair in Paris, which we have been attending for years, is a significant opportunity for us to introduce our brand on the international stage.

Preparations are in full swing for the upcoming Premiere Vision fair scheduled for July 2-4. We are continuing our efforts to present our new qualities to potential business partners.

Fairs 08 Şub 2024